Olot will be the focus of native crayfish in September
During the week from 21 to 25 September Olot will host the "Spanish Conference on conservation of native crayfish" (September 21 to 22) and the "International Symposium on conservation of native crayfish" (September 23 to 25). It is organized by the Consorci de l’Estany, el Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural, the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park and the Consorci del Ter, and has the support of the City Council of Olot, the Diputació de Girona and the Consejo Superior de Invetigación Científica (CSIC).
On one hand, the conference will try to bring together researchers and managers to share and discuss the latest information on this species. On the 21st there will be oral presentations, poster session and dinner; and on the 22nd presentations, discussion and conclusions. There will also be a technical visit to Breeding Centre native crayfish in Olot.
Moreover, the International Symposium will focus on recent advances in research, and specific experiences and strategies to achieve long-term conservation of our native freshwater decapod. On the 23rd there will be oral and poster session; during the 24th presentations, discussion and a dinner lecture; and the 25th output technique.
The registration period ends on 15th July. For more information please check the web www.crayfishsymposiumlifepotamofauna.org.