
Latest news

  1. 21/06/2018
    The exhibition, drawn up from the LIFE Potamo Fauna project "Conservation of river fauna of Community interest in the Natura 2000 network sites of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga river basins” -ending at …
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  2. 19/12/2017
    - In 2017, fewer captures were obtained with a slightly lower effort than in 2016 in the Ter River, but there has been more in the Banyoles lake, especially young specimens. - A large number of …
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  3. 11/12/2017
    The event took place in Milano on November 29 and 30
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  4. 05/12/2017
    The exhibition about the LIFE Potamo Fauna project in the second half of this year has been at 12 different locations of the river basins of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga rivers. It has been exhibited in …
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  5. 24/11/2017
    This action, made by the LIFE Project Potamo Fauna, have allowed to create 27 new locations and reinforce 15 other ones
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Press summary

  1. 31/12/2017
    El projecte europeu de conservació de la fauna fluvial tanca 4 anys amb 440 exemplars agafats, 334 al riu i 106 a l'àrea de Banyoles - El nombre de captures creix a les llacunes de Can Morgat
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  2. 29/12/2017
    El projecte Life Potamo Fauna per a la conservació de fauna fluvial d'interès europeu a la xarxa Natura 2000 ha permès incrementar fins a 38 el nombre d’exemplars de tortugues exòtiques capturats …
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  3. 07/11/2017
    Un rec d’Olot va ser ahir el darrer lloc on es va reintroduir aquesta espècie, i es van culminar així dos anys de feina en què s’han alliberat milers d’exemplars
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  4. 07/11/2017
    El projecte Life Potamo Fauna ha consolidat poblacions de nàiades a l'estany de Banyoles
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  5. 06/11/2017
    06/11/2017 13:32 ACN OLot.-El projecte Life Potamo Fauna per a la conservació de fauna fluvial d'interès europeu a la xarxa Natura 2000 ha permès alliberar exemplars de nàiades criats en captivitat …
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Latest Articles

  1. 21/11/2017
    Research article in the journal Acta Zoologica Bulgarica by Ramon Mascort i Joan Budó. It can be read in the attached document in pdf.
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  2. 10/07/2017
    Iago Pérez Novo 1 4, Carles Feo 2, Quim Pou-Rovira 2, Teia Puigvert 3 1 Societat Catalana d’Herpetologia, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona. (Museu Blau), Plaça Leonardo da Vinci 4-5, 08019 …
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  3. 22/11/2016
    The temporary ponds are semiaquatic habitats characterized by alternating dry and wet phases, for its unique flora and fauna and a high fragility. The disappearance of this type of fresh water …
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  4. 06/07/2016
    The European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) is widely distributed in Europe but remains very fragmented and disparate populations. The gradual decline of this species has become very clear over the …
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  5. 17/12/2015
    Vertigo moulinsiana and Vertigo angustior are two species of Gender Vertigo present in the Iberian Peninsula, set out in Annex II to Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural …
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