The native Crayfish and the LIFE Potamo Fauna have been present at the Fira de San Martirià de Banyoles


The Consorci de l’Estany, in co-operation with the Crayfish breeding center in Olot and Limnos have been present on November the 13th, 14th and 15th at the Fira de Santa Martirià, in Banyoles to report the LIFE project Potamo Fauna, about the natural values ​​of the landscape of Banyoles Lake, mainly to approach visitors who unknow species such as the native White-clawed Crayfish. During the three days up to 20,000 people have visited the fair; just on Friday more than 900 students visited the fair.

A stand have been installed on the native breed part of the fair at La Draga, which was 10 meters long by 5 wide. The space had three 100 liters aquariums, with a suitable wood panel display with the presence of native crayfish.  In addition, six information panels of the exhibition of the LIFE Potamo Fauna have been showed, referring to the native crayfish threats and information about the species of exotic crayfish.

During the fair more than 300 drawings and 300 cuttable drawings about the crayfish and  the project information were distributed.

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