Over 800 students have already visited the exhibition on the LIFE

Talk guided school Doctor Robert, Camprodon
Exhibition visited by students to Migdia school, Girona
Guided tour of the Museum Guilleries, Sant Hilari Sacalm

The exhibition about the project LIFE Potamo Fauna during the first half of 2016 has been able to visit ten different areas of eight municipalities in the basins of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga. It has been shown in schools and colleges, municipalities, museums and tourist offices. In total, there were 15 visits, where more than 800 students participated.

This exhibition consists of 14 panels and will be touring the country until the end of 2017. It explains the activities that are carried out to protect and restore native species such as White-clawed Crayfish, European Pond Turtle or the Naiad Unio Elongatulus, and as the problems caused by invasive species.

If you are interested in having the exhibition please contact Consorci del Ter, which coordinates roaming us. Please call 93.850.71.52 or send an email to (Necessites javascript per veure aquest correu-e).

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