D.4 – Monitoring of Emys orbicularis, Mauremys leprosa and invasive turtles
The populations of European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) monitoring is performed according to the protocol indicate under the action A5. All released European Pond Turtle individuals will be marked with a subcutaneous chip to facilitate individual identification and monitoring in the long term. The individual recaptures, by taking biometric data, will be useful to evaluate adaptation their new habits. In addition, a minimum of 10 individuals of European Pond Turtles each year will be marked and monitored by radiotraking techniques to track the use of the habitat and their survival success.
Another type of monitoring is referring to the capture of turtles by trapping led to invasive species of turtles (Action C5). From the capture of invasive turtles, their abundance will be known, but this system will also capture information on populations of native species.
Such monitoring will focus on the rivers Ter, Llémena and in Banyoles Lake.