The LIFE project Potamo Fauna is present in the Fira de Sant Martirià in Banyoles which gathered 30,000 people

Booth at the fair in Sant Martirià
Booth at the fair in Sant Martirià, interior image

The Consorci de l’Estany, in co-operation with the Centre de Reproducció de Tortugues de l’Albera (CRT) and Limnos was present on 14th,15th and 16th  November at the Fira de Sant Martirià and Firestany de Banyoles showing the LIFE Project Potamo Fauna and explaining the natural values of the countryside of Banyoles Lake, specifically approaching visitors to know and see species such as amphibians and European Pond Turtles. During the three days up to 30,000 people visited the fair; also noted that Friday visited the fair more than 1,000 students.

A booth space was specifically set up at La Draga that was 10 meters long by 5 meters wide. The space available hold 100 liter tanks, with a wood panel display. In an aquarium 2 European Pond Turtles where shown, with also adult amphibians species such as 5 green frogs, 2 toads, 3 Natterjack Toad, 2 salamanders and other frog species; and the last tank hold was green frog tadpoles. The panel was marked with wooden signs with the names of the species. Also, on one side of the stand there was a pallet with a sample of two types of traps to capture native and exotic turtles, a kind of platform for sunshine and a handle with metal frame.

During the fair up to 112 leaflets LIFE Potamo Fauna were distributed and 27 people signed up as interested in receiving information about the project.

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