The Consorci de l’Estany gives a presentation on invasive alien species in Murcia
The technical coordinator of the project LIFE Potamo Fauna participates in the scientific conference "Recovering the riparian forests and its associated habitats" organized by LIFE Ripisilvanatura
On January 27th, the technical coordinator of the project LIFE Potamo Fauna, Quim Pou, made a presentation in Murcia on "Combating invasive alien species in BanyolesLake". This took place in the framework of the scientific conference " Recovering the riparian forests and its associated habitats " Project LIFE + Ripisilvanatura which had a participation of a hundred people. The days were extended until January 28th and experts from around Spain in invasive species participated. The Ripsilvanatura project aim is to control the expansion of invasive alien species present on the banks of the River Segura and favor the colonization of native riparian forest species.
The conference dealt with a large number of species, from plants to animals in several different classes. Since LIFE Potamo Fauna "Conservation of river fauna of European interest in the Natura 2000 network of basins Ter and Muga" Quim Pou said that the project is combating invasive species in BanyolesLake so far in this LIFE, as in the previous LIFE Project Estany. Among the invasive species in the lake are carp, perch, the luciperca the crayfish or turtle Florida. Quim Pou said that the control of invasive exotic fish was done through intensive and sustained fishing, therefore, by continued controlling the demographic population.
LIFE Potamo Fauna has an overall budget of 1.9 billion euros, 50% funded by the European Union. Between 2014 and 2017 acted in 11 Natura 2000 areas in the province of Girona recovering and preserving long-term several endangered species. It carries out reinforcements population and improvements of habitats of species as white-legged Crayfish, or several naiads, fish, amphibians and turtles. The project has enabled us to consolidate a team of 24 people for four years.
The Consorci de l’Estany acts as a coordinating beneficiary and associated beneficiaries are “Consorci del Ter”, the “Generalitat de Catalunya” through the “Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural”, “Forestal Catalana SA”, the “Amics de la Tortuga de l’Albera” and the “Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea”. As cofinanciators there are the “Ajuntament de Banyoles”, “Ajuntament de Porqueres”, the “Diputació de Girona”, “Aigües de Banyoles, SAU” and the “Consorci Esportiu de l’Estany de Banyoles”.