From 21 to 25 September, Olot host the Spanish Conference and the International Symposium on European native crayfish

A moment of the press conference of presentation

The event is organized in the framework of the European LIFE Potamia Fauna "Conservation of river fauna of Community interest in the Natura 2000 network sites of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga river basins" European experts will discuss the problems of conservation -present and future- of the populations of native crayfish which is in danger of extinction worldwide.

The Consorci de l’Estany, the Government of Catalonia, the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park and the Consorci del Ter, are organizing the week of 21 to 25 September in Olot (Girona) the "SPANISH CONFERENCE OF THE NATIVE CRAYFISH” (21-22 September) and the" INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSERVATION OF EUROPEAN NATIVE FRESHWATER CRAYFISH "(23-25 September). It also has the support of the city of Olot, the Diputació de Girona and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) through the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid. The sessions will take place in the hall Torín and alternate with technical visits. Also, these days an exhibition about the project LIFE Fauna Potamo can be seen in the Casa Museu Can Trincheria, with explanations about the native crayfish and their main threats.

Firstly, the conference will bring together Spanish researchers and managers to share and discuss the latest information on the crayfish native to the Iberian Peninsula. On the 21st there will be oral lectures and poster session; and on the 22th two papers, round table and technical visit to Breeding Centre crayfish native of Olot will take plave.

Moreover, the International Symposium will focus on recent advances in research, and specific experiences and strategies to achieve long-term conservation of our native freshwater decapods. On the 23rd there will be lectures and oral presentations and on the 24th lectures and poster session will take place; and on the 25th the conference will discuss about the output technique.

Noting that at the momemt of the closing of entries, 104 have registered for the conference accounting from different regions (Catalonia, Andalusia, Castilla-Leon, Basque Country, Aragon, Valencia, Navarra and Asturias) and 75 registered at the International Symposium from different parts of Spain, Ireland, the Czech Republic, France and Croatia. Spain has tradition in organizing conferences on the native crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes), and the last of them took place in 2009 in Valencia.

At the opening ceremony of the conference in Spain, which will take place on Monday 21 September 9:30 am, by the President of the Consorci de l’Estany, Mr. Miquel Noguer, the Director General of Territori i Sostenibilitat of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Sra. Marta Subirà and the mayor of Olot, Sr. Josep Maria Corominas. At the opening ceremony of the Symposium, which will take place on Wednesday 23rd September 9:30 am it will be by the technical Coordinator of the LIFE Potamo Fauna Mr. Quim Pou, and the Head of Biodiversity and Protection of Animals, Sr. Ricard Casanovas and the first deputy mayor of Olot, Sr. Josep Berga.

The events are organized in the framework of the European LIFE Potamo Fauna "Conservation of river fauna of Community interest in the Natura 2000 network sites of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga river basins" which has an overall budget of 1.9 million euros, 50% funded by the European Union. Between 2014 and 2017 will work in 11 Natura 2000 areas in the province of Girona recovering and preserving long-term multiple endangered species. Carried out reinforcements population and improvements habitat of species such as the White-clawed Crayfish, ans several species of shellfish, fish, amphibians and turtles. The project has also enabled to consolidate a team of 24 people for four years.

LIFE Potamo Fauna executed and coordinated by the Consorci de l’Estany, with the Consorci del Ter, the Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural, Forestal Catalana, Amics de la Tortuga de l’Albera and the Universitat del País Basc, with economic help of Diputació de Girona, Ajuntament de Banyoles, Ajuntament de Porqueres, the Consorci Esportiu de l’Estany de Banyoles and Aigües de Banyoles.

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