More protection for the Naiad Unio Elongatulus


From this September onwards, the Naiad Unio Elongatulus has been included in the Spanish Catalogue of Endangered Species (Official State Bulletin, September 3, 2015). In particular, according to the text, the existence of only two known populations recommends its inclusion in the catalog in the category "Endangered".

The Naiad Unio Elongatulus is a target species of the LIFE Potamo Fauna Project (2014-2017). Some of the actions to preserve the species include captive breeding population and reinforcements, as well as reinforcements of the population of Mediterranean Barbel and other fishes that are naiad guests, as well as scientific monitoring of the species, among others.

It is a freshwater mussel that lives in a half buried way in the sand and gravel from the bottom of rivers and lakes in areas with little current, but it can also be found in canals and ditches that carry water all year long. Its coloration is generally dark, with black, yellow and green shades. They can be up to 12 centimetres long.

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