The exhibition of the project has been visited by more than 7,000 people during the first six months of 2017

Exhibition at the school Les Moreres, Flaçà
Exhibition at the Vicens Vives Institute, Girona

This summer, during July and August, it will be exhibited at the Palau de l’Abat in Sant Pere de Rodes

The exhibition on the LIFE Potamo Fauna project has been visited in 12 municipalities on the river basins of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga rivers during the first half of this year. It has been exhibited in educational centers (schools, high schools, institutes and the University of Girona), museums, information centers and in a fair. In total, more than 10 guided tours have been made and the number of visitors has been approximated by more than 7,000 people.

This exhibition is made up of 14 panels. It has been traveling through the territory since September 2015 and until the end of this year 2017. It informs about the actions that are carried out to protect and recover native species such as Crayfish, Pond turtle or naiads, as well as the threat of invasive species.

If you are interested in having the exhibition you can contact the Consorci del Ter, which coordinates the schedule. You can call 93.850.71.52 or send an email to (Necessites javascript per veure aquest correu-e).

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