A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans

Nine Protocols will be written:

  • Preparation of protocols for the captive breeding and population reinforcement of Unio elongatulus
  • Writing a protocol for population reinforcement of Barbus meridionalis and other host fish of Unio elongatulus
  • Preparation of protocols for the captive breeding and population reinforcements of Emys orbicularis
  • Drafting protocols for breeding, population reinforcements and protection against the Crayfish plague for Autropotamobius pallipes
  • Writing protocols to control invasive turtles and decapods
  • Writing a protocol for population reinforcements of Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana in Banyoles lake
  • Compilation of executive projects for creating small marshes and wetlands in Ter river
  • Writing a protocol for the implementation of a mobile station for disinfection of the zebra mussel on boats in Banyoles lake
  • Writing a protocol for the control of invasive fish in Banyoles lake
  • Some experiments in captivity against Crayfish plague that affects Austropotamobius pallipes are also planned

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