C.9 – Control of invasive decapod

All species of invasive decapod crustaceans cited in the Iberian Peninsula are resistant carriers of the fungus that produces Crayfish plague, which is the main vector for the spread of this deadly disease by native crayfish. In case of contact between populations of invasive populations of decapod Austropotamobius pallipes, they tend to become infected quickly producing massive mortalities often entail the disappearance of entire population centers.

Through this action invasive decapod are taken out of the areas where possible contact with Austropotamobius pallipes can happen. In the area of action up to 3 invasive species of decapod crustaceans have been observed so far: Procamabarus clarkii, Pacifastacus leniusculus and Orconectes limosus.


The projects aims to stop the progression of upstream expansion fronts of native crayfish species that threaten core Austropotamobius pallipes populations. The results obtained with these descastes will be very useful for the future management of this problem both in the area of action and in other areas with presence of Austropotamobius pallipes. In the case of Orconectes limosus is expected to eradicate completely the current population of this species, since it occupies only a small sector fully accessible and reachable.

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