D.6 – Monitoring of Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana
Monitoring populations of Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana will be made according to the protocol drawn up for this purpose in action A6. It is necessary to monitor the evolution of these translocations over time to evaluate the success of the actions and consider whether to make changes in the strategy of conservation of these species.
To select stocks for the population that will be used to reinforce new ones, visual inspection will be held to account the individuals hidden in the vegetation and also a manual inspection of that once living among the dead leaves and moss and the base of the plant. This will allow us to obtain indices of abundance. Only in the case of high densities will soil samples will be analyzed. For monitoring of translocated populations, similar methodology will proceed.
There will be two annual monitoring for each species, one in spring and one in autumn, always coming in periods of greater humidity and rainfall. The monitoring will start in 2014 when it held the first experimental action that mark the way for 2015 to 2017 period planning.