Success of the first translocation of native fish

Section of the Riera d’en Xuncla stream where several Mediterranean Barbel individuals have been released

During 2015 it was carried out the first planned translocation of native fish species that are guests of the naiads for restoring populations in river stretches where they had disappeared. In the framework of the LIFE Potamo Fauna, the specific objective for these tasks is the recovery of populations of at least two species of native fish in the river sections in the area of ​​LIFE actuations, in the presence of naiads. The fish come from sectors where its populations are in good conditions, located within the same basin, where only a small fraction is extracted for not compromising its viability.

Specifically, during 2015 there some Catfish (Squalius laietanus) where released in the middle course of the Llémena river and some Freshwater Blenny (Salaria fluviatilis) in the middle course of the Fluvià river. This year, thanks to the fish monitoring foreseen in the project, it was found that these early translocations were successful, since both species have been rediscovered in the sections where they had been released in mean abundance and with successful reproduction.

During the year 2016 the project has continued with this strategy based on fish translocations, with new releases of Mediterranean Barbel (Barbus meridionalis), Catfish or Freshwater Blenny, in other water bodies in the area of ​​action project in the rivers Brugent, Llémena, Ter and Fluvià, and also at Riera d’en Xuncla and Banyoles Lake. In total over 1,500 fish have released.

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