C.5 – Control of exotic turtles
So far, the five most commonly cited alien taxa within the zone of action are T.s. ssp.scripta, T. s. ssp. elegans, Chrysemys picta, Pseudemys concinna and Graptemys pseudogeographica. Of these, at least two subspecies of Florida Pond Turtle (Trachemys scripta) are established in the area, keeping breeding and growing. These invasive exotic turtles have a clear negative effect on ecosystems and on some native species, including amphibians and native turtles. The native turtles are displaced, especially through competition for the best areas to sunlight or nesting.
There will be eliminations of several species of introduced exotic turtles in the basin of the River Ter. These will be based mainly on catching them by repeated sunlight traps using, but also occasionally with bait traps. All these types of traps allow the capture live specimens without injuries. The specimens captured of the alien species are removed, while the specimens of native species are released after being marked.
Preventing the establishment of dense cores of alien turtles in suitable habitats for native species of herpetofauna of European interest, especially Pond Turtle. This will also help to curb its current expansion to the lower basin of the river Ter.