1. 11/07/2017
    One of the main aims of the LIFE Potamo Fauna project has been to conserve and recover the White-clawed Crayfish in the river basins of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga rivers
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  2. 11/07/2017
    Interested persons can still sign up for event-enabled websites
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  3. 11/07/2017
    This summer, during July and August, it will be exhibited at the Palau de l’Abat in Sant Pere de Rodes
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  4. 11/07/2017
    - The rescue took place in the pond of the Espolla on April the 12th, a day before it completely dried out - The rescued tadpoles have been released at the lagoons of Can Morgat in Porqueres and …
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  5. 10/07/2017
    Since the creation of the first micro-wetlands in Anglès, Bescanó and Sant Gregori (SECTION A) to recover populations of European Pond Turtle in the Ter River and other reptiles and amphibians, …
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  6. 09/05/2017
    - For the first time, youth naiads have been bred “in vitro” - On May 9th, the works and the results were presented at a press conference
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  7. 28/03/2017
    On 22nd and 23rd March, LIFE project Potamo Fauna was visited by the Director-inspection of LIFE projects of the European Commission, Dorte López Pardo, along with the external monitoring evaluator …
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  8. 21/03/2017
    The “Jornades de Medi Natural de Girona” took place on 18th and 19 March in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of the University of Girona (UdG). Four presentations on the project LIFE Potamo Fauna "…
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  9. 02/03/2017
    The prevention of this invasive alien species penetration in the protected natural area of Banyoles Lake is a priority of its management
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  10. 22/12/2016
    During 2016 the project focused in the area of Celrà and Sobrànigues, which have made the most number of captures and where actions to recover the native European Pond Turtle have been done
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