
  1. 22/12/2016
    The technical office of the LIFE Potamo Fauna it’s organizating two events in Girona for the week from 16 to 22 October 2017. On one hand, from 16 to 18 October it will be the turn of the "5th National Congress of Invasive Species", where in addition...
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  2. 22/12/2016
    The technical staff of the LIFE Potamo Fauna project, as well as teachers of schools and colleges that host the travelling exhibition on the species object of work in the project, have a new teaching resource at their disposal, working with education...
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  3. 22/12/2016
    The exhibition about the project LIFE Potamo Fauna has been able to visit nine municipalities in the basins of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga during the second half of this year. It has been shown in schools (schools and colleges), municipalities, museums ...
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  4. 22/12/2016
    Between the 5th and 7th October it took place at the University of Lleida (UdL) the XIV Luso-Spanish Congress of Herpetology and the XVIII Spanish Congress of Herpetology attended by some 200 specialists in reptiles and amphibians of 12 different cou...
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  5. 22/12/2016
    During 2015 it was carried out the first planned translocation of native fish species that are guests of the naiads for restoring populations in river stretches where they had disappeared. In the framework of the LIFE Potamo Fauna, the specific objec...
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  6. 22/12/2016
    The October 11 program of Espai Terra of Televisió de Ctalunya (TV3), the Television for all Catalonia issued a report on the European Pond Turtle led by Cori Calero. The recording took place in early June in both Garriguella Tortoise Breeding Centre...
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  7. 23/11/2016
    • Once again the Consorci de l’Estany raises awareness actions to explain the environmental importance of the fauna living on the Banyoles lake and the rivers Ter, Fluvià and Muga. • 30,000 people haved visited the Fair, taking advantage of the good weather of the last weekend; during last Friday more than 900 students also visited it. • Sensitive species of the project LIFE Potamo Fauna as naiads, fishes and water snails have been exposed, the latter being also the subject of "Vertigo Year" by the Spanish Society of Malacology.
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  8. 10/11/2016
    The LIFE Project Potamo Fauna have released up to 700 individuals during this autumn
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  9. 03/10/2016
    The animal was found by the technical staff of LIFE Potamo Fauna
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  10. 07/09/2016
    Researchers at the Department of Genetics at the Complutense University of Madrid conducted a genetic study of native Crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) which show the division into two genetic groups in the Iberian Peninsula. This work, among othe...
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