
  1. 07/07/2016
    Since the beginning of the project in January 2014, the control of invasive turtles and track specimens European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis), a released species native to Ter, has been monitored. Catches of invasive species are done in Ter river a...
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  2. 07/07/2016
    In the beginning of summer, the technical coordinator of LIFE Potamo Fauna, Quim Pou, has done several talks and poster presentations at various conferences and congresses. On June the 20th he went to Budapest where he gave a talk in a training progr...
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  3. 07/07/2016
    This spring the project LIFE Potamo Fauna has organized five lectures and activities for specific groups that play an important role in the prevention of invasive species in the basins of the rivers Ter, Fluvià and Muga. The aim is to prevent the int...
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  4. 07/07/2016
    The exhibition about the project LIFE Potamo Fauna during the first half of 2016 has been able to visit ten different areas of eight municipalities in the basins of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga. It has been shown in schools and colleges, municipalities, ...
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  5. 07/07/2016
    Different actions about catching American Crayfish will take place in Olot with young students during next summer
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  6. 02/06/2016
    The reinforcement actions, provided from the LIFE project Potamo Fauna, were joined in the June the 1st by students from Flaçà and Sant Jordi Desvalls schools. This year the first five individuals bred in captivity have been born in the new breeding ponds of the Centre de Recuperació de Tortugues de l’Albera.
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  7. 19/05/2016
    On May the 12th a Hungarian delegation, from the Ministries of Agriculture and National Development, came to know about LIFE Potamo Fauna in the framework of a visit to Spain to learn about different projects of this European program and to know how ...
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  8. 05/05/2016
    The meeting will take place in Girona and is coordinated by TOSCA Serveis Ambientals d’Educació i Turisme, the Consorci de l’Estany and the Consorci del Ter, under the LIFE Potamo Fauna
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  9. 07/04/2016
    The Supreme Court has partially accepted an appeal from “Ecologistas en Acción”,  and has expanded the catalog of Spanish invasive alien species, including among other species the Common Carp and Rainbow Trout. It also has overrided exceptions in the...
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  10. 10/03/2016
    This works are part of the LIFE Potamo Fauna project and are accompanied by the release of 150 individuals of terrapins raised in captivity until 2017
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